(Mink Pink "Overture" tee, Joanne Wong shorts, Sportsgirl "Shia " ankle boots, thrifted panama hat, Rayban sunnies)
A classic example of "I loved it so much, I bought it in both colors!" After last year's wardrobe cleanout, and discovering I had several exact dresses in three different colors, I promised myself i would never do this again...but what can I say, sometimes you happen upon something you just have to have, and when the decision is that difficult, you might as well do the easy thing and buy both! So says my logic anyway, i'm sure my highly anorexic bank balance wouldn't agree. And what about these JC knockoffs by Sportsgirl? Freaking amazing, is what! I try not to buy too many things from Sportsgurk in fear of looking like everyone else, but these just had to be bought. I've been toying with the idea of purchasing some from Nastygal, but with my weirdo shoe size, you can never tell if it will fit or not, so really when i saw this it was a no-brainer purchase. And you know what? i know everyone says this, but really, they are just so comfortable. Like 8 hours running up and down the stairs with armfulls of clothes on hangers comfortable. yuuup, that good!
The weather this weekend has been amazing, just really sunshiney with the perfect winter breeze. It was perfect for opshopping with my lonesome (which in my opinion, is the best company for serious thrifting!), dinner and movie with the boy, dim-sum brunch with the "inlaws," afternoon beer at the pub with the girls, and a night in with weasel to cap it all off. I know, I know, I've quit the stuff, doesn't mean I won't dabble every now and again.
how was your weekend? :)