(Bless'ed Are The Meek maxi cardi + thrifted spotted kimono (underneath) + Mink Pink tshirt + Toi Et Moi leggings + Mollini shoes)
maxi cardi's. best combo ever! and when i walk, it billows like a cape. so good! Like i said, i seem to be into maxi anythings and everythings lately.
Just finished showing the Nov10 Finders Keepers range at work, and there were AMAAAZING bicycle shorts in floral and leopard...so perfect for summer. Haven't actually stopped thinking abut them, and yesterday I dreamt i was wearing 'em and i had this perfect outfit on, and now November and summer seem like ages away! :( I never was good at waiting.
on other news, i think i have a pimple growing in my left eye...or maybe it's a stye, i can't really tell the difference or actually see the fucker. All i know is that it's uncomfortable as hell. Iknow, gross right?...But i can't seem to stop whinging about it as it's irritating me so much. That and i've got the flu (or abut to get over it, prett sure it's on it's last leg!). Yep, it's that time of the month!
rug up everybody, it's winter.