Thursday, December 30, 2010


(Friend of Mine tshirt, vintage Guess cutoffs, Jeffrey Campbell wedges, Luella sunglasses)

been enjoying the summer sun over the last few days, and the lack of photos are all due to the fact that i have pretty much been wearing next to nothing. it's so difficult to even fathom putting anything warmer than a loin cloth when the days have been in the high 30's.
it's been such a good holiday of doing nothing. love LOVE getting time of work, i may not be good at booking flights and tickets, but when it comes to faffing around this town, i am ace. i have literally been sprawled at the beach working on the black. it's come to the point where dont know what day it is, and i find myself checking the calendar on my phone to see if i had missed the new year. thankfully, i go back to work next week, so this lazy existence will soon be discontinued.

to all my friends and loved ones (including the boyfriend) who are always on my case about being constantly overdressed to everything, there you go. photographical proof that some days, i am also just a shorts and a tshirt kind of girl. :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

once more, with feeling

(via studdedhearts, knighttcat)

Perth seems to have been hit by a second winter and i am loving every minute of it. yes, it is still 29 degrees, but the grey skies and bouts of rain is enough to make me dream of leopard, fur, and all things shaggy.
Friend of Mine a/w '11

...all i seem to be wearing lately.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

and so you're back from outer space

(thrifted top & skirt, Sportsgirl clogs & bag, Luella sunglasses)

thriftiest outfit everrrr, not counting the shoes. that's right folks, this little ensemble cost me all of 3 (count it, 1-2-3) bones!! considering i havent gone thrifting in ages, this was a pretty good "welcome back to the world of treasure hunting!" find!

went on a little road trip today, and visitd customers in 3 different suburbs AND looked for possible new accounts. not as easy as it sounds, especially when the weather is grossly hot and you don't drive. BUT but but but it does have it's impromptu opshopping, a lunch outside of the usual choices at the office, and discovering hidden shopping caves i didnt even know existed. soo, payday tomorrow, and i have pretty much spent most of it already, as i put a gazillion things on hold. hmmm, note to self: schedule road trips on payday next time.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


(Nookie dress, Sportsgirl clogs)

bought this dress 3 years ago, and i still love wearing it today. Not only does it make me feel like a cupcake/cloud hybrid (always a good thing!) but it lets my greedy self eat as much as I want because the frills hide all of the growing belly within! Perfect for fancy dates, christmas parties, buffet dinners, tapas nights, ...... mmmmm, tapas nights :)
when i bought it all those years ago, with my poor little retail salary, i told myself over and over that it was worth it because it was going to be an investment piece...something i would wear for years to come. in all honesty, at the back of my mind, that little voice that almost always knows i'm lying was telling me this wasn't true, and would soon be discarded like last year's sample sale items after one wear. ha, i love proving that annoying little voice wrong!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

l faut voyage en velo. c'est merveilleux!

(Toi Et Moi tank, Nastygal lace skirt, Sportsgirl clogs, Luella sunglasses)

been working like an angry bumblebee this week. even weekends are occupied at the shop i call my second job instead of lazing around at home doing nothing. december is such a mad month for anyone in retail, and sometimes i wish i could just skip that whole spot of the calendar and jump straight into new years eve and parties. christmas pressies, christmas wish lists, christmas holidays, and christmas cheer do sort of make it all worth it.

i've said it before and i'll say it rad is this skirt? sheer and maxi were definitely meant to be together. like green eggs and ham. peanut butter and jelly. milk and cookies. sometimes you order something online, and it's always a 50-50 chance the item will look as great as it looks in the photo and in your head. in this case, it defnitely exceeded any expectation i had. nastygal, you did it again.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

bon jovi is outside my window serenading me as i write this

(Carly Hunter top, Otto Mode shorts, thrifted shoes & bag, Luella sunglasses)

i'm baaaaack, and promise, for good this time!!! i am so sorry for being mia, kind of really just needed a break from all things computer related, and unfortunately that meant blogging, which is one of my favourite things to do! i blame all the reports and email checking i do at work! it's funny, computers used to always be just a tool i use for fun things like downloading music and youtube videos and all this blogging goodness. but now, computers have a more useful use, i guess, as 50% of my worklife revolves around using it. not that i'm complaining...i love what i do, and the chance to check my ebay auctions in between the daily tasks is something i am not really prepared to gove up just yet. i just had to you know...get away from it all (for lack of a better term).


went shopping in the city last weekend and bumped into a wicked little pop-up boutique (don't you love 'em??!) that sold all WA designer pieces. walked away with this Carly Hunter top which was an absolute bargain for 50 bones, and the most amazing square owl ring ever. kind of loving the fact that pop-up boutiques are popping up more and more often around the regular shopping grind a bit of ooomph, and that "helloooo lover, where have you been all my life?" feeling is always inevitable.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

lace maxi skirt

(Toi Et Moi tshirt, NastyGal lace maxi skirt, Sportsgirl clogs, thrifted panama hat, Luella sunglasses)

my orders have finally started arriving (yaaaay!!!) but the weather has warmed up so fast it's almost too hot to wear anything these days! that's why i looove this skirt. i mean, aside from the fact that it is gorgeous, and the lace + maxi skirt is that perfect mix of subtle sexy...the lace is so fine that it actually feels like you're not wearing anything! so so perfect for Perth's scorching hot summer, and quite perfect for moi!

went to Stereosonic last sunday. best. festival. everrrrr. it was favourite dj after favourite dj in sequance, so there was absolutely no time to sit down. think 6 hours straight of dancing to the best beats, it was sooo amaaazinggg. of course the come down after was crap. i only just fell asleep after 3 days and 2 nights of full on life. but honestly, wouldnt have done anything any different. the festival lineups this year are soooo goood, i'm looking forward to the next one already!!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

creature comfort

(Fairground Bunny Wrap, Finders Keepers tunic, Jeffrey Campbell wedges, Luella sunglasses)

so sorry for the lack of posts, life has been hectic and monotonous all in one go. the days have been disgustingly muggy, and the only thing i want to do when i get home is lie on the couch and never ever leave the confines of my wonderfully airconditioned room again.
BUT i am very aware of the sadness of this existence, so i am getting up and starting to be active again.

say hello to my favourite bunny. my version of linus' security blanket, it is unbelievably comfort and pretty much feels like someone is hugging you all the time. that and i feel like maniacally hopping around everytime i wear it, makes it the funnest piece of pseudo-winter garmentry maybe ever. you should see the dirty looks i get from the old ladies in the train everytime i wear it with the hood and ears up. i say they are just jealous, if everyone had one of these, there would be no grumpy people left in the world.