Tuesday, September 28, 2010


(Zanthus dress, Sportsgirl lace socks, Mollini boots, Luella sunnies)

long weekends and public holidays/ music festivals and front row at missy elliot/sunny skies and 28 degree weather/magic jellybeans and fire hydrants/impromptu bbq's without any meat/heated pools and freezing cold water/the way he looks at me and unlimited huggles/i don't know what's bluer, the dress, the skies, or the comedowns/frayed edges and cutting corners/i like the way it swishes/ceelo green's fuck you/socks with lace still make my world go round.

it's the little things, baby.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

when the world gives you lemons, i say...

(Bless'ed Are The Meek top, thrifted leather skirt, Sportsgirl lace socks, Mollini boots)

so, did not realize how tired i looked in these photos till now. life has literally been kicking my ass, and i'm gearing up for the neverending rounds that are sure to follow. not that i'm on the losing end, i've got optimism and sunshine on my side, so i say, bring it on, biiiiitch!

so this is the new favourite top. loving the colours, and the combination of sheer, silk, and jersey make all the grey clouds go away. and the draping is pretty, and it is so amazingly oversized, i'm actually thinking i should have gone for the smaller size. in other words, perfection.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

heaven can wait we're only watching the skies

(Otto Mode top, thrifted maxi skirt, Sportsgirl wedges)

it's feeling more and more like summer everyday.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

sooo, spring!

(Urban Outfitters tshirt, thrifted skirt, Mollini wedges)

so, start of spring = spring cleaning! cliche, i know, but it had to be done. after today, the sheets were changed, the laundry was done, the house vaccuumed, and the pantry stocked. and all these, done whilst the sun was shining in all it's 23 degree glory. it wasn't a day without fun, was able to slot in book reading in the park, some window shopping, and a lovely lunch with the boyfriend.

other weekend plans included a work conference in adelaide on friday, and partying till 3am with adelaide's finest, and realizing i really am back in perth when i spent saturday night literally lining up in the clubs around p-town. oh perth, how i've missed you (even if i was really away for a night).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

lost photographs

(uma, jane, brigitte)

t i m e l e s s !
jane birkin is absolutely flawless.

Monday, September 13, 2010

sunday bloody sunday

(Toi Et Moi lace bomber, Caroline Morgan tee, thrifted leather skirt, Sportsgirl desert boots, Luella sunnies)

hello new week!
lots of things i'm looking forward to over the next seven days, my urban outfitters order(s) for one thing! everytime i hear the couriers arrive at work, i jump out of my seat and my heart races a little bit faster. i knooow it should come soon, and i really hate waiting! leopard print booties, hurry the f*ck up, pleeease! :)
and the weekend was great, went on a popsicle magnet hunt and collected every one of those amazing pink popsicle magnets but 4; spotted jupiter, and made a wish; went on a pretty good shopping spree on saturday, which seems to be the only thing i do when i am left to my own devices. bought myself a new pair of boots (another one, which we can add to the desert boot/combat boot army!), a nice cardigan (which sounds really strange to type since i don't think i have typed that word in such a long time...cardigan. weird) and the best Stolen Girlfriend's Club dress that i will be wearing non-stop all summer, that you will probably get sick of seeing it on my back. oh, and a denim summer dress which will be worn to good vibes, and finally (finally!!!) an iron and ironing board - that, actually, was the highlight of my weekend. you have no idea how long ive been putting off buying one. yay, scratch that off my perpetually growing list of things to do!
....aaand i found this top in a shopping bag, completely forgot i had it, and pretty obsessed with the little ruffles in the hem. i'm not usually a wearer of pink, but hey, sometimes you just have to go with your inner girly girl and run with it!

happy monday, bitches, hope you all have a great week!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

chasing the ghost of a good thing

(Sportsgirl tank dress, Bec & Bridge top, Target socks, Mollini shoes, Goorin fedora, Sportsgirl bag)

not a lot and lots of things happening this week, both at the same time! work is hectic (what else is new??!) and has been keeping me preoccupied selling the Bless'ed Are The Meek range for first winter. honestly? awesome range. like, bananas! awesome. lots of really chunky knits, oversized everythings, silk tunics with a gothic twist, and leather. in other words, me. if i was to be made into a range, this Bless'ed range is exactly what i would look like. i wish wish wish i could take photos and post 'em up, or better yet, take the samples and run to a field far away and just snap snap snap pictures of the amazing clothes. that's one downfall of this perfect job, showing what's to come is like the perfect tease, and i have to wait months until i get my orders. oh, time, why is it that we never seem to get along?

on other news, been waiting patiently (or impatiently??) for my urban outfitters order to come in. friday is also taking it's sweet time, which always seems to be the case whenever it's payday fridays. aaaaand socks and heels...still loving that perfect combination.

Monday, September 6, 2010

sorry we are closed

(thrifted top, Sretsis tank, Topshop velvet bandaid skirt, Sportsgirl booties)

pretty sure I'm breaking fashion blogger rules by posting the same tank consecutively but meh, my blog my rules. and anyway, this is such a me thing to do, to love a piece of clothing so much I will literally wear it consecutively until I can't bear the thought of wearing it another day...then it goes into the washing basket. such is the case with this Sretsis tank, loving how it is just so comfortable and easy and well, such a no-brainer really. and same for these boots, i've pretty much been alternating between these and my jeffreys. been looking for white Dr Martens for ages now, but to no avail. these though, are just as good, aaand i get a bit of height in the deal. that's pretty much a win in my book!

on another note, wish my hair looked like this everyday. that and the boyfriend is cooking up a storm downstairs. roasted butternut, garlic prawns, my nose is having a party and soon my taste buds can join in! aaaaah, i love nights when i don't have to do anything! :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

make my day

(Sretsis tank, thrifted denim shorts, Jeffrey Campbell clogs, thrifted bucket bag)

best weekend!
ka-ching!/girly sleepovers/literal eclipse of the heart and meatloaf/gok's fashion fox is rigged, but we love alexa chung/tax $$$/shopping sprees/jeffrey campell x 2/bikram yoga/huggle times.
bring on the rest of the week!