Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i wanted to be with you alone and talk about the weather

(vintage vest, Sportsgirl oversized beater, Supre leggings, Nine West wedges, vintage fringe bag, Sportsgirl beanie, Luella sunnies)

i remember last winter, the boyfriend got sick and used this beanie to warm his cold head. he mishaped and deformed it to an unfixable state and i was very very very upset. he copped a lot of grief for it and has since been banned from borrowing any beanies and trilbies because our heads are just not the right shape.
i found the beanie buried under my scarves today. i put it on for fun and expected to feel more anger at a ruined headpiece. to my delight, i didnt find it as unwearable as i did last year, and in fact, have fallen in love with the new shape.
i remember how sorry he was, and how unforgiving i was and ummm...yeah. im baking him cupcakes tomorrow. bless.

on another note, i bought the vest for summer florals, white denim, and festival dresses but when i saw the blue skies and sunny weather, i couldnt wait any longer to wear it. i never believed in "saving" clothes anyway. =P

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