Tuesday, August 24, 2010

cause i'm raising the bar, i shoot for the moon but i'm too busy gazing at stars

(Portmans shag, Witchery tshirt dress, Target socks, Mollini heels)

soooo, this cardigan/shag has pretty much taken over my winter ensembles. everytime i need to throw something warm on, it's pretty much the first thing i reach for. sometimes i catch myself making an active effort not to wear it, but 9 out of 10 times, it's still ends up walking out the door with me. pretty good buy, considering it was on the sale rack for $40. love love love it when i get so much wear out of an impulse buy you salvage from the sale racks!
on another note, socks and heels is such a clever combination, i don't know why i never attempted it before. plus it makes my slightly too big shoes fit perfectly, always a bonus when you have little midget feet like me!
wednesday tomorrow, and officially the middle of the week. YAY. this week has been so hectic, i say bring on the weekend!

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