Tuesday, November 30, 2010

lace maxi skirt

(Toi Et Moi tshirt, NastyGal lace maxi skirt, Sportsgirl clogs, thrifted panama hat, Luella sunglasses)

my orders have finally started arriving (yaaaay!!!) but the weather has warmed up so fast it's almost too hot to wear anything these days! that's why i looove this skirt. i mean, aside from the fact that it is gorgeous, and the lace + maxi skirt is that perfect mix of subtle sexy...the lace is so fine that it actually feels like you're not wearing anything! so so perfect for Perth's scorching hot summer, and quite perfect for moi!

went to Stereosonic last sunday. best. festival. everrrrr. it was favourite dj after favourite dj in sequance, so there was absolutely no time to sit down. think 6 hours straight of dancing to the best beats, it was sooo amaaazinggg. of course the come down after was crap. i only just fell asleep after 3 days and 2 nights of full on life. but honestly, wouldnt have done anything any different. the festival lineups this year are soooo goood, i'm looking forward to the next one already!!!



Louise said...

Great outfit! That skirt is stunning xx

maxxie said...

thaaanks xxx