Friday, August 21, 2009

she took the midnight train going anywhere





(thrifted denim shirt, Sportsgirl beater, slasher leggings, Nine West heels)

my favorite denim shirt ever, its an old Marks and Spencer i scored from Good Sammys for $3. i remember Marks and Spencer back home, 'twas very popular among my school friends when we were about 13 and a lifetime ago. for the record, i never really saw the appeal, i thought it was too much of a mommy store, too pretty and polished. i hated the shoes. they had really good potato chips though, for me that was the draw. =)

tomorrow is the weekend and for the first time in ages, i have no plans. nothing that needs to get done in the city. AND the boyfriend is at work the whole day. so tomorrow, i am sleeping in, staying in pajamas the whole day, catching up on some old 90210 goodness, and IF i feel like it, i will work on my boards. mother nature, i would appreciate it if you made tomorrow a wet rainy one, that would just be icing on the cake. because really, how much better is sleeping in when you can hear the rain pouring outside?

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