Thursday, August 27, 2009

sheer story



(Minty meets Munt sheer leotard, some bra, vintage Guess cutoffs, Mollini "Plunk" laceups)

i was nearly not allowed to leave the house in this ensemble. the boyfriend seems to have a problem with any form of underwear exposure, which you know, i guess is fair enough seeing as he is a guy and 1) knows what other guys are thinking, and 2) doesnt really see "fashion" as opposed to "chick showing off her underwear. " still though, at least i know he cares :)

i know heaps of women out there are underwear women. they like buying new underwear, and invest a lot of money in them as well. they get into the lace and bows and sheer and cute colors, and the mixing and matching and just pretty-ness of it all. and moi? well, lets just say underwear isnt something i really spend money on. i buy if i need, but since i rarely wear bras ( i live in western australia and it gets craaazy hot here in summer) other than when its cold and i need to rug up, i dont really see the point, especially when there are a myriad of other delightful items i would rather spend my hard earned money on. although, for outfits such as these, i kind of wish i had something cuter. ive been hearing the call of the lingerie section lately, and methinks i might just answer that call this weekend, see if anything strikes my fancy and screams "you have to have meee!!" the boyfriend will be happy as he has asked me many times why i dont invest in expensive girly lingerie, and my mother would be so proud. i can still hear her now,
"omg maxie, put on a bra, you look like a floozy!"
oh mom.

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